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IJM Mumbai Celebrates Freedom: Two Stories in One Day
MUMBAI, INDIA, February 09, 2015 As IJM joined local authorities on their first rescue operation of the year, the team got a phone call that four...
Six Nepali Girls Set Free In Kolkata’s Red-Light Area
January 22, 2015 Six young women trafficked from Nepal into India were set free from multiple brothels in a single night last week. IJM joined an...
A Tiny Church In A Mumbai Slum Gives A Giant Gift At Christmas
Two women sit quietly on a tile floor in a Mumbai slum and carefully piece together bits of green and orange fabric in an intricate design. Sunlight...
Rescue in Mumbai: Police and IJM Discover a Brothel’s Secret Hiding Spot
MUMBAI, INDIA, September 26, 2014 Getting inside the brothel was the first challenge: A manager sits outside a locked gate and screens customers....
Pop-Up Play in India Raises Awareness About Slavery to Tens of Thousands
One of the actors named Upendra cowers as another performer approaches him with a raised stick, poised to strike. Upendra is playing the role of a...
Four Boys Rescued from Slavery on a Rose Farm
BANGALORE, INDIA – Four boys were rescued from slavery on a rose farm located just a few hours from the highly industrialized city of Bangalore. Two...
India: IJM, Partners Rescue More Than 30 From Life Of Slavery, Squalor
IJM Kolkata: Landmark Convictions Against Five Notorious Traffickers
Mar. 15, 2013 In the trial against Nakul Bera, survivors shared how they had been tortured and trapped in the brothel, pictured here. Police locked...
More than 500 Free from Slavery in IJM’s Largest Operation Ever
CHENNAI – Today, 512 children, women and men are living in freedom after being rescued from a brick kiln in IJM's largest anti-slavery operation...

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