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Indian Government Frees Man Trapped in Forced Labour for 10 Years
On Feb. 25, government officials rescued a 23-year-old man from a construction site where he had been trapped for nearly half his life. The officials...
Survivor’s Speech Paints Freedom as ‘Bangles Instead of Chains’
The first time Latha shared about her life she left officials stunned.
Indian Government Inspection Leads to Four Freed from Mango Grove
On Feb. 4, four adults were liberated from six years of labor exploitation at a mango grove thanks to proactive government officials and a group of...
IJM Supports Indian Government Rescuing 22 Children from Jewelry Factories
Indian government officials and police carried out a rescue operation to free 22 boys—ages 15 to 17—being exploited at multiple urban jewelry...
IJM Supports Indian Police Free 1,401 Trafficked Children in a Month
IJM worked as an expert consultant to develop a standardized process for safely rescuing children and building a strong legal case against their...
Trafficked to Malaysia – Finally Home in India
Twenty-two-year-old Aadav* was elated as he deboarded a plane at Trichy International Airport on September 14. He was returning home from two years...
In a Major Judgment, 21 Customers are Convicted for Buying Minors for Sex
In a significant legal victory, a specialized child protection court in Kolkata convicted 21 men who paid for commercial sex from minors at a brothel...
Anti-Trafficking Coalition Frees Two Families from a Violent Brick Kiln
BANGALORE, INDIA – When members of an anti-trafficking coalition in Karnataka state heard about violent abuse at a local brick kiln, they quickly...
New Child-Friendly Spaces to Serve Kids Trafficked on India’s Trains
It is estimated that a child arrives alone at a major railway station in India every five minutes. These children could be seeking work to help their...

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