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LIMITED TIME MATCH: Your gift will be matched to bring rescue, justice, and restoration.

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Anti-Trafficking Coalition Frees Two Families from a Violent Brick Kiln
BANGALORE, INDIA – When members of an anti-trafficking coalition in Karnataka state heard about violent abuse at a local brick kiln, they quickly...
New Child-Friendly Spaces to Serve Kids Trafficked on India’s Trains
It is estimated that a child arrives alone at a major railway station in India every five minutes. These children could be seeking work to help their...
State Agency Keeps Officials Accountable, Triggering Three Rescues in One Month
The fate of families in bonded labor used to rest solely with the decisions of their local government. But today, victims waiting for relief can also...
Rock Quarry Owner Guilty After Exploiting 29 People in Bondage
On May 31, a specialized court in southern India sentenced a powerful rock quarry owner to seven years in prison for exploiting disadvantaged...
First “Panchayat Against Human Trafficking” Launched in Uttar Pradesh
Baglai’s village council—called a gram panchayat—has been working closely with IJM’s partner Akhil Bharatiya Samaj Sewa Sansthan (ABSSS) on an...
Roopa and Banaiah Raising Their Family in Freedom
Roopa and Banaiah had endured more than a decade of hard labour and heartbreak at a brick kiln in southern India, but today they are building a much...
Mumbai Woman Guilty of Running a Brothel, Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison
On April 22, 2022, a Mumbai woman was convicted after a 6-year trial and sentenced to 7 years in prison for running a brothel and exploiting...
Survivors Safe & Thriving 16 Years after a Violent Rescue Set Them Free
CHENNAI, INDIA – Members of the IJM Chennai team met with survivors who were rescued from bonded labor 16 years ago. It was a joy and inspiration to...
Regional Police Honour IJM for Combating Bonded Labour and Human Trafficking
On March 7, 2022, the Vellore Range police department presented IJM with an award to “recognize the diligent efforts taken to eradicate the bonded...

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