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Regional Police Honour IJM for Combating Bonded Labour and Human Trafficking
On March 7, 2022, the Vellore Range police department presented IJM with an award to “recognize the diligent efforts taken to eradicate the bonded...
Survivor Leaders Help Free Eleven People From Abusive Business Owner
A group of survivor leaders in the Released Bonded Labourers’ Association (RBLA) helped authorities free 11 people from an abusive wood-cutting...
Groundbreaking Planned Community Gives Survivors Security, Stability and Hope
Meesanallur began in 2015 as a dream to help families of the Irula tribal community break cycles of poverty and trafficking for good. Over one...
Odisha bike rally raising awareness of trafficking reaches over 5,000
Late last year, IJM Odisha partnered with local organizations across the Indian state to support a 10-day bicycle rally that travelled over 1,500 km...
Looking Back: Two Years Since 76 People Were Rescued From Chennai Jewelry Factories
IJM Staff reflects on a rescue of 76 people from jewelry factories.
Three Families Freed from Abusive Brick Kiln by Proactive Officials
In September, authorities in South Asia freed 11 people—including four children—from bonded labour at a brick kiln, where they had been forced to...
Revisiting Worksites Shows Criminal Deterrence in Action
Revisiting the shuttered gates at the lumber yard was part of a recent exercise by IJM South Asia to gauge how criminals have been deterred by...
Survivor to IJMer: Kumar Completes His Degree and Joins Chennai Staff
In 2003, Kumar was rescued from a brick kiln and had hopes and dreams of helping others. In 2021, he has earned a master’s degree in social work!...
Thirty-Three Freed from Rajasthan Brick Kiln, Including Children Forced to Work
IJM Canada's partner Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan (JVSS) helped authorities in western India liberate 33 people from exploitation at a brick...

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