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Enslaved to Harvest Silk Thread - Now Free
Last week, IJM assisted local authorities in rescuing six adult labourers and a 4-year-old boy from years of bonded labour slavery, where they faced...
Forty-Four Children and 32 Adults Freed from Slavery at Jewelry Factories
This month, local officials freed 76 victims of human trafficking—including boys as young as 10—from a group of jewelry factories profiting off...
New “One Stop Crisis Team” Rescues 18 from a Life of Slavery
Eighteen people—including 6 children—are now free from a life of modern slavery thanks to a brand-new One Stop Crisis Team recently launched in their...
Judge Overturns Acquittal to Find Slave Owner Guilty in 2006 Case
CHENNAI, INDIA – The Madras High Court took a strong stance for survivors of bonded labour slavery this month by overturning a lower-court ruling to...
Trafficked Boy Escapes, But Returns to Rescue His Friends
On a busy day last November, Manikandan took one last look around the dingy snack factory where he’d worked for nine years and decided it was time to...
Police and IJM Stop Traffickers from Selling a 15-Year-Old Girl
IJM assisted Kolkata’s anti-trafficking police on a successful rescue operation on Tuesday, July 16. They freed one 15-year-old girl from a year of...
This Image Keeps Us Fighting Against Slavery
Kasi knew this was his one shot. As the sun streaked his bare back, the 70-year-old knelt desperately on the dusty ground and pleaded with officials...
Forced to live in a brothel as a child, Pavi is now a rising field hockey star
High-pitched screams rang out as 14 ecstatic young women ran off a field hockey pitch in late February 2018, with bronze medals clutched in each of...
IJM Staff’s Son Spots Slavery in His Water Supply
When one 9-year-old boy saw a group of other kids being forced to work at a water treatment facility near his home, he knew exactly who to tell: His...

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