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Latin America

Guatemala: Over 4,600 Survivors Received Holistic Care in the Past Six Months
In addition to providing holistic assistance for victims, the Institute has the mandate to review, approve and advise on national policies that...
IJM and AERODOM Join Forces to End Trafficking in the Dominican Republic
This is the first collaborative agreement that IJM in the Dominican Republic has signed with the business sector. As IJM expands its partnerships,...
Three Rescued. Two suspects arrested.
That Friday night, Dominican police, public justice officials and IJM entered a ‘‘Santería’’ (a place for religious practices that combine indigenous...
Appeals Court Increases Sentence in Trafficking Case
On February 9, the Criminal Court of Appeals in the Dominican Republic more than doubled a sentence, going from six years to 15, against the leader...
Six Children Rescued. Three Suspects Arrested.
On December 13 and 19, Dominican police spearheaded two rescue operations with IJM’s support. Public justice officials proactively and successfully...
Dominican Republic: Congress Modifies Law to End Child Marriage
On December 30, 2020, the Dominican Republic Senate approved changes proposed by the House of Representatives to modify the Civil Code and eliminate...
Dominican Republic Government Takes a Stand Against Child Marriage
On World Children's Day, IJM applauds the critical steps that the Dominican President and House of Representatives have taken this week to protect...
Three Young Children Rescued. A German Citizen Arrested.
On October 8th, Dominican police spearheaded a rescue operation in the Puerto Plata province of the country. Local public justice officials...
Two Operations: Four Girls Rescued from Violence by Dominican Authorities
Last week, local police mobilized to perform two rescue operations and protect four survivors of violence. The survivors range in age from 6 to 14...

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