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Latin America

A Nightmare that Lasted Six Years
When she was 13-years-old, Veronica* ran to her mother Leonor* in tears. She began to utter words that would strike fear into the heart of any...
Two Convictions. 99 years in prison. Guatemalan Courts Take Strong Stand against Sexual Violence.
In the last two months, IJM Guatemala has seen Guatemalan courts bring an end to two cases of sexual violence against children with outstanding...
Six Women Rescued From Sexual Exploitation
After six months of investigations, IJM supported a rescue operation led by the Dominican Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) that brought freedom to...
Abused and Falsely Accused
Esmeralda* was an ambitious teenager from a poor family in La Paz, Bolivia. Like other 14-year-old girls, she spent her busy days balancing school,...
Guatemala's First Lady Joins IJM in New Program to End Sexual Violence
Churches in Guatemala are uniting to stop child sexual assault, and their first lady wants to help. This week, IJM and partner organizations will...
IJM’s First Conviction in the Dominican Republic
A criminal has been found guilty and sentenced in the Dominican Republic for the commercial sexual exploitation of a teenage girl. The ruling is one...
IJM Bolivia Cases Progress at ‘Rapid Pace’ Following New Law
Thanks to a new law, IJM Bolivia has seen "miraculous” developments in the past eight months, according to Greg Tarrant, IJM Bolivia field office...
Award-Winning Film Shines the Spotlight on an IJM Guatemala Case
The 24-minute film "Aullido” or "Howl,” recently won Best Short Film at the 2015 Justice Film Festival in Chicago, a festival featuring stories of...
Undercover Rescue Operation Frees 29 in the Dominican Republic
SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, April 21, 2015 It was a typical Wednesday afternoon at a private house party in the Dominican Republic, the...

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