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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

I will send rescue.

Jessica Di Sabatino

Jessica Di Sabatino

Pastor at Church in the Hills in Calgary, AB

Jessica DiSabatino is a renowned communicator in both business environments and the Church. She is theologically deep and yet able to connect with her audiences both through her candid humour and because of the suffering narratives that have shaped her life. Following the death of her younger brother, Jess and her dad founded My Safe Work, a philanthropic initiative to bring justice to work places in Canada and around the world. For this ground-breaking work Jess received the Governor General’s award in 2017, which is the highest honour a Canadian citizen can receive.

In tandem with her foundation work, Jess has pastored in various churches for more than twenty years, and currently serves as a pastor at Church in the Hills, in Calgary, AB. When Jessica is not playing with her husband and four children, she is busy resurrecting her 1980s rap career.




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