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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

I will send rescue.

Linda G. Yang

Linda G. Yang


Linda is honoured to serve on the IJM Canada Board starting March 2023. After obtaining her BA from the University of British Columbia and JD from Dalhousie University, she practiced in the areas of commercial litigation, employment, and business immigration at a national law firm. Passionate about pursuing the cause of justice around the world, she resigned from her job to spend two years in Cebu, Philippines as an IJM Legal Fellow, supporting the Cebu Field Office in combatting the online sexual exploitation of children. Since returning to Canada in December 2019, Linda represents institutional lenders at a boutique law firm in Vancouver and has engaged with a variety of non-profit agencies, including on issues of transitional housing for refugees in Canada. Linda and her husband Clayon live in BC’s Lower Mainland and enjoy running together and chasing after their toddler, three grown children and a little herd of awesome grandchildren.

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