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Michael Krause

Michael Krause

Teaching Pastor at Southridge Community Church in St Catharine’s, ON

For the last 21 years, Michael Krause has been the teaching pastor at Southridge Community Church, a multisite church with three locations in Niagara, ON. Southridge is committed to actively striving to bring healing, hope, and restoration to one of the poorest regions in Ontario. This hunger and thirst for justice is manifested in its 24/7, 35-bed homeless shelter housed within their St. Catharine's location, its work with Rose City Kids to empower sole-support families and at-risk youth in Welland, and its intentional hospitality to migrant farm workers in Lincoln.

Michael is a PhD candidate at McMaster Divinity College, researching the formative power of Sunday worship to shape the Church into a missional community; extending God’s Kingdom into the world. In his preaching, he attempts to blend a thoughtful, culturally-sensitive understanding of the biblical text with a practical, down-to-earth perspective on how to follow its direction towards loving God and loving each other.

He and his wife, Christa, have been married for 15 years and are raising four beautiful girls: Arleigh (12), Kennedy (11), Trevi (10) and Brylee (8).

Twitter: @michael_krause

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