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LIMITED TIME MATCH: Your gift will be matched to bring rescue, justice, and restoration.

I will give freedom today!

Scott Forbes

Scott Forbes

Director of Development and Mobilization, Ontario and Eastern Canada

Scott Forbes serves as the Director of Development and Mobilization for IJM Canada in Ontario and Eastern Canada.

Scott joined IJM Canada in June of 2009. Prior to joining IJM, he gave leadership to Kids Alive International Canada for ten years as a founding Board member, Executive Director and Director of Development. During this time, he also served for six years as Director of Global Ministries for Heritage Bible College in Cambridge, Ontario. Prior to establishing Kids Alive International Canada, Scott served for 14 years with Africa Evangelical Fellowship: five years in Zambia as a youth worker, leadership trainer and church planter, and nine years in Canada as a missionary recruiter and business development leader.

Scott is the author of a book, Save Your Husband, a practical guide for helping men attacked by burn out and depression. He received a B.A. from the Western University in London, Ontario, and a Masters of Theological Studies from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Ontario.

Scott and his wife Karen live in London, Ontario

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