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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

I will send rescue.

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Join Us on a Virtual Journey you’ll Never Forget!

November 17 • 6 p.m. PT
Cost: $50

You are a champion of freedom.

You’ve advocated for the rescue, protection and restoration of the world’s most vulnerable people. You’ve invested in systemic change through the strengthening of justice systems. Now, it’s time for you to see the impact of your support.

You’re invited to a Live Virtual Trip to the Field where you’ll get an intimate look at how your support of IJM Canada has helped protect children in the Philippines from online sexual exploitation (OSEC).

Join a team of friends and supporters on a 90-minute virtual journey to the frontlines of IJM Philippines. You'll even get a chance to share experiences in special breakout rooms along the way. You’ll see how IJM Canada is working with governments all over the world to put an end to OSEC. This virtual trip will give you a perspective of IJM Canada’s work you’ve likely never seen before.

What’s Included: A mailed experience kit that will bring you closer to the field!

On your Virtual Trip to the Philippines, you will:


Educate yourself on the crucial work IJM Philippines is doing to eradicate the online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC).


Engage with trip participants, field staff, local partners and aftercare providers in an interactive digital experience!


Experience the beautiful, vibrant culture of the Philippines through the included interactive Experience Kit and fun social activities with our Filipino field staff.


Encourage and be encouraged by field staff and local partners as you get to know them and their hearts for ending OSEC in the Philippines.



  • Welcome/Arrival
  • Walking Tour
  • Magkasama (Together/Orientation)
  • Pagnilay-nilay (Reflection)
  • Break


  • Greetings from IJM Staff on the Ground
  • Discuss International OSEC Complexities
  • Crucial Partnerships
  • Learn the 5 stages of Investigation and Rescue
  • Restoration is More than Rescue
  • Hold on to Truth and Hope
  • Pagnilay-nilay (Reflection)
  • Live Q&A with Host
  • Break


  • Report (or Takeaways)
  • Karaoke Celebration

Book your Virtual Trip to the Philippines!

This virtual trip is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with the work of IJM you’ve so passionately supported. We talk a lot about the life changing impact made by people like you — this is your opportunity to see it for yourself. Book your virtual trip to the Philippines today!

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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